
API pricing

Enterprise pricing

If your company has an annual revenue below $2 million, you can use our API on a pay-as-you-go basis, paying only for the data you use with no long-term commitments. Our pricing is transparent and predictable, ensuring you stay in control of your costs.

For companies with annual revenue exceeding $2 million, we only offer API usage through an annual contract. These contracts start at $9,999 per month and include a dedicated implementation engineer, account manager, and priority support. The API usage is unlimited, and we also include access to complete, current downloadable datasets in CSV format.

Please contact us to discuss your enterprise needs.

Start with a 30-day free trial

Explore the full potential of our API with a comprehensive 30-day free trial. No commitments, no credit card required. Simply sign up and start integrating our powerful API into your applications today.

Monthly subscription (non-enterprise customers)

Monthly fee: $99 per month

Credits included: Your subscription includes $99 in credits each month, applied directly towards your API usage.

Additional usage: If your usage exceeds the included credits, you'll only pay for what you use, with no hidden fees.

Cancel anytime: There are no long-term contracts or minimum commitments. You're free to cancel your subscription at any moment.

If you are a power user that requires a predictable billing cycle, we are happy to negotiate a fixed monthly fee for your API access. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Fair and transparent usage costs

Cost calculation: We determine your API usage costs based on the data returned by your requests. Detailed pricing per field is available in our API fields documentation to help you understand your potential costs upfront.

Cost estimates: To further support cost management, utilize the 'price_quote' query parameter with any API request. This feature provides an immediate cost estimate for a request without executing it, ensuring you are informed before incurring any charges.

Dashboard monitoring: Once subscribed, easily track your API usage and associated costs directly through the API section of your dashboard . This enables real-time monitoring and budget management.

Our commitment

We're dedicated to offering fair, transparent, and straightforward pricing to all our users. Whether your data needs are big or small, we strive to provide a pricing structure that aligns with your usage and budget requirements. Our goal is to empower your applications with our API, without surprises or hidden fees.

Programming language

Select the programming language you want to display the code examples in.

Get a price quote for a request
Shell session
curl -X GET "https://api.houski.ca/properties?address=151-mckerrell-place-se&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&city=calgary&country_abbreviation=ca&price_quote=true&province_abbreviation=ab"
TypeScript code
const houski_properties_data = async (): Promise<PropertiesResponse> => {

    // You must copy the PropertiesResponse type declarations from the 
    // Houski API documentation to strongly type the response

    const url = new URL('https://api.houski.ca/properties');
    url.searchParams.set('address', '151-mckerrell-place-se');
    url.searchParams.set('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
    url.searchParams.set('city', 'calgary');
    url.searchParams.set('country_abbreviation', 'ca');
    url.searchParams.set('price_quote', 'true');
    url.searchParams.set('province_abbreviation', 'ab');

    const response = await fetch(url);
    const data = await response.json();

    return data;

(async () => {
let data: PropertiesResponse = await houski_properties_data();

// Log the response
  "cache_hit": false,
  "cost_cents": 0.20000000298023224,
  "data": [
  "error": "",
  "pagination": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "has_next_page": false,
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "page_total": 1
  "price_quote": true,
  "result_total": 1,
  "time_ms": 21,
  "ui_info": {}